Italian criminal records

Italian criminal records procurement

Italian criminal records / police certificates are also known as certificate of good conduct, lack of a criminal record, police clearance certificate, criminal records check.

  • The ‘certificato penale del Casellario Giudiziario’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s criminal convictions that may no longer be subject to appeal.
  • The ‘certificato civile del Casellario Giudiziario’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s civil convictions that may no longer be subject to appeal.
  • The ‘certificato generale del Casellario Giudiziario’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s criminal, civil and administrative convictions that may no longer be subject to appeal.
  • The ‘certificato dei carichi pendenti‘ is a document that shows a person’s pending criminal proceedings.

Note: these certificates are issued only in the Italian language.
ItalianPapers can request the above certificates on your behalf.