Italian Historical Certificate

Italian Historical Certificates

A historical certificate is a document that certifies the past information recorded in a specific Italian City Hall. You can request a historical certificate for an individual who died or emigrated to another country.

There are four kinds of historical certificates.

The Historical Family Status Certificate attests the composition of the family from the date of registration with the Italian City Hall up to the cancellation (for emigration to another Italian town or another country).

The request involves the payment of government fees of  € 16 plus € 5,16 for each person on the certificate (it depends on the number of family members on the certificate).

The Historical Residence Certificate contains information relating to the registered residence of an individual in an Italian City Hall from a given date (which must be provided): it certifies the registration and the cancellation (for emigration to another Italian town or another country) as well as the changes of address made within the same Italian town.

The request involves the payment of government fees of  € 16.

The Historical Contextual Certificate allows having in a single certificate both the Historical Family Status and the Historical Residence.

The request involves the payment of government fees of  € 16 plus € 5,16 for each person on the certificate (it depends on the number of family members on the certificate).

The Historical Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of past possession of Italian Citizenship attests the Italian citizenship of the person for whom the certificate is requested, but only if this information is recorded at Italian City Hall where the person was registered.

The request involves the payment of government fees of  € 16.

Please note that the request of a historical certificate must be duly justified (then its use must be specified: legal, personal, genealogical research, and so on) and must contain the data necessary to allow the search as the surname, name and date of birth.

All historical certificates are valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

ItalianPapers can assist you in requesting historical certificates for your Italian citizenship application.

Avv. Paola Caputi