
AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad)

The AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad) is an archive containing the data of all Italian citizens who live abroad for more than a year. Each Italian municipality has its own register.

Registration with AIRE is mandatory for:

  • Italian citizens who transfer their residence abroad from Italy for a period of more than twelve months
  • Italian citizens born and living outside of Italy, whose birth certificate is transcribed in Italy and whose Italian citizenship has been ascertained by the relevant Italian Consular Office
  • Individual who lives abroad and acquires Italian citizenship

The individual can enroll with AIRE in the foreign country of residence: it is sufficient to go to the Aire office at Relevant Italian Consulate and fill in the appropriate registration form, accompanied by an ID document and required documents.

Under the Italian Law, the expatriate must notify the transfer of his residence abroad within 90 days from the date of the emigration. However, it is possible to regularize his own position even after the 90 days of arrival abroad. The registration procedure does not change.

The individual is deleted from the AIRE for the following reasons:

  • repatriation from abroad in Italy (after enrollment in the registry office of an Italian municipality)
  • death
  • un-traceability
  • loss of Italian citizenship

The registration with AIRE guarantees assistance by the Italian Consulate in some of the bureaucratic procedures such as the request and renewal of Italian passport, the documents and certificates that are issued by the Italian Consular Office and so on.

Moreover, Italian citizens registered with AIRE have the right to vote and the right to not pay VAT on goods purchased in Italy and carried abroad (if at the time of purchase the expatriate gets from the seller a VAT exemption to be presented at the airport for VAT refund).

To get specific AIRE advice, please contact ItalianPapers. We will put our expertise at your service!

Avv. Paola Caputi