Historical research of documents from Italy

Historical research of documents and certificates in Italy

The certificates from Italy of the Italian ancestor are the most important documents for obtaining Italian citizenship jure sanguinis for the simple reason that they contain the evidence of the link with Italy.
Also, the exact name, date and Italian place of birth also allows to request the foreign naturalization documents (the other key certificate for obtaining Italian citizenship) without doubt about the identity of the person for whom information is requested (this uncertainty could result in a rejection of the application).
If the information held concerning the Italian ancestor is not enough to find the Italian certificates, it is necessary a historical research.

As in Italy there is no national database to perform historical research of Italian documents, it should be contacted the civil registry of the Italian municipality (note that the municipal civil registers were established in 1866); if the birth of the ancestor occurred before 1866 or the civil registry in the municipality was established later, it should be contacted the local parishes.

If the initial localization of the certificates is unsuccessful, then careful historical research should also extend to the local Dioceses, the territorial State archives, censuses and registers concerning military service (if any).

Avv. Paola Caputi