Italian criminal records

Italian criminal records

What are they?

They are divided in certificates that:

1 – certify the convictions that may no longer be subject to appeal

  • The ‘certificato penale’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s criminal convictions.
  • The ‘certificato civile’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s civil convictions.
  • The ‘certificato generale’ is a document which contains the summary of a person’s criminal, civil and administrative convictions.

2 – show a person’s pending criminal proceedings

  • The ‘certificato dei carichi pendenti’.

Who can request they?

The criminal certificates can be requested by an Italian citizen or a foreigner residing in Italy or abroad:

  • directly from the interested party.
  • through a delegate of the interested party.

Why request they?

There can be many reasons for the criminal certificates: they can be used in case of employment (a new job or a new collaboration), for immigration purposes, to request Italian citizenship, etc.

Where request they?

The criminal certificates can be requested at the Italian Court.


The Italian criminal certificates expire after 6 months from the date of issue.

Translation / Legalization

The Italian criminal certificates are issued exclusively in the Italian language, then they must be translated in the language of the submission authority through the sworn translation procedure.

The Legalization (through Apostille or Consular Legalization) is required if the criminal certificates are for foreign use.

Avv. Paola Caputi