Italian citizenship Jure Matrimonii: requirements

Italian citizenship Jure Matrimonii: requirements

Entitled to apply for Jure Matrimonii citizenship are:

  • Men: marriage / civil union with an Italian citizen
  • Women: marriage / civil union with an Italian citizen celebrated after April 28th, 1983.

The spouse of an Italian citizen living outside of Italy can apply for Italian citizenship 3 years after the date of the marriage or after 18 months if the couple has children.
Also: Italian spouses must be registered as resident at Italian Consular district (AIRE).

The spouse of an Italian citizen living in Italy can apply for Italian citizenship 2 years after the date of the marriage or after 1 year if the couple has children.
Also: the spouse of an Italian citizen must be registered as resident at Italian City hall for at least two years after marriage or after 1 year if the couple has children.

The applicant must not have previous convictions for specific crimes.

The marriage / civil union must be current at the time of application and must remain so until the citizenship is granted with the issuance of the decree by the Interior Ministry.

Avv. Paola Caputi